It's been a long time but here's a big update! It adds a lot of new things to play with and revamped some older systems. Enjoy!


    • Added new equipment
    • Added new throwable items
    • Added new themes
    • Added new monsters
    • Added new monster abilities
    • Added gear set bonus feature
    • Added new pre-load screen to warm up graphics


    • Inventory screen has different graphics
    • Savegames are not deleted if they are incompatible/corrupt (send them to me!)
    • Some monsters have new passive abilities
    • Bite and Scratch abilities now only apply Bleed if these attacks actually hit
    • Hunter Cap now shows your beard when equipped as helmet
    • Iceblock radius reduced
    • Overall monsters have been slightly nerfed
    • Merchant have slightly less items to sell
    • Some monsters have their loot tables altered
    • Interacting with empty objects now notifies you
    • Changed the player gear graphic overview to a more compact one


    • Fixed crash during savegame
    • Fixed crash during status effect update
    • Fixed crash during loadgame for mana regeneration
    • Fixed crash of audio manager trying to play an unloaded file
    • Fixed crash when certain graphical values get mixed up
    • Fixed crash when using unsupported characters during naming (e.g japanese)
    • Fixed crash when trying to use an invalid favorite spell
    • Fixed crash trying to use a gem for crafting that has an empty effect
    • Fixed Crash Reporter not working/triggering
    • Fixed player sometimes frozen when loading game
    • Fixed player sometimes frozen when entering champion floor
    • Fixed wrong mana values when loading game
    • Fixed monster surprise triggering after they died
    • Fixed monster sometimes doing additional effects on you, even if they miss
    • Fixed monsters sometimes not getting hurt by hurting tiles (e.g campfire)
    • Fixed monsters sometimes attacking you after they died the previous turn
    • Fixed monsters properly using the Blind spell
    • Fixed monsters sometimes trying to get double turns when they shouldn't
    • Fixed monsters accidently giving you a free Throw achievement
    • Fixed goblin parties not trying to kill themselves on campfires
    • Fixed game not unsetting loadgame internal flag when making a new game
    • Fixed game giving a free turn to monsters while the game was still loading a save
    • Fixed memory issue of tiles trying to update when they aren't even in view
    • Fixed some items showing wrong descriptions
    • Fixed Key item using proper rarity values
    • Fixed camera resets after the begin of player's turn if it has moved
    • Fixed effects not loading properly in Wands/Staves
    • Fixed boss doors occassionally being placed awkwardly
    • Fixed status effects manager trying to update when there are no effects
    • Fixed Strange Potions sometimes having the wrong effects
    • Fixed a typo for certain gear graphics