Adding a couple of new things to add another layer of complexity as well as some quality of life changes. This update was all about adding bit more to play with!
- Added 6 new gear pieces.
- Added 4 new basic weapons.
- Added 3 new spells.
- Added 2 new status effects to deal with.
- Added a quick hotkey for re-casting last spell.
- Added true local leaderboards, including seed view.
- Changed support spell text to better communicate what it does.
- Reduced mana regeneration chance.
- Increased profanity filter list (come on, guys, stay safe).
- Fixed a few typo's on items and effects.
- Tweaked many texts regarding status effects.
- Changed spell rank values.
- Reduced overall spell damages.
- Discovering and learning spells permanently will now show in event log.
- Local leaderboard is now the default screen when going to leaderboards.
- Improved texts to guide player through gem crafting window.
- Circlets can now be deconstructed.
- Invisibility spell now has ranks.
- Some monsters have new loot.
- Prison Guards health is decreased.
- Fixed keybinds no longer being confused when an update adds new keys.
- Fixed left shift working as intended during character naming process.
- Fixed a crash when looking at small clutter on the floor.
- Fixed monsters invisible when knockbacked or reappearing from fog of war.
- Reduced memory usage slightly.
- Fixed gem damaging to only happen in appropriate situations instead of always.
- Fixed crafting recipe list now show quantity result, too.
- Fixed some status effect texts when using on self.
- Fixed corpse pile naming entity.
- Fixed monsters still somehow seeing targets despite invisibility.
- Fixed spells not taking into account when user is under influence of Magic Up/Down.
- Fixed Cure spell now only removing debuffs instead of everything.
- Fixed controls info UI overlapping minimap after certain floors passed.
- Fixed a potential bug when less than 5 resolutions are available.
- Fixed a potential bug where player cannot exit Smith's UI after a certain condition.
- Fixed a bug where button/key icons were named wrong, resulting in a crash.
- Fixed Circlet using wrong icon.
- Fixed a potential bug when crafting a gem under special circumstances.
- Fixed some UI still showing "Pick a file" when this option is disabled.